The photos are available in 1920x1200 resolution, which, according to my information, is currently the most common desktop resolution. I'm not a fan of watermarking your pictures, but for "promotional" reasons, the wallpapers contain a small and hopefully unobtrusive watermark with this site's URL. The watermark should not even be commonly visible if your taskbar is not set to autohide (most people don't use autohide, as far as I know).
If you really need a non-watermarked version of the wallpaper, please don't try to clone it out of my images or crop it off and rather send me an email, it's very likely I'll send you a non-watermarked version for your personal and non-commercial use.
The photos as they appear in this gallery (meaning with the watermark) are free to use however and wherever you like (I would appreciate you letting me know about it, though). Should someone be interested in using one of my original non-watermarked photos in his/her project, both commercial or non-commercial, please, drop me a line, it's most likely we'll figure something out.
Thank you for your understanding.